
A PPROVED AND P ROHIBITED P LANT L ISTS : Why must all plant materials and their locations on Homeowner lots be approved by the Modi_ications Committee? The Approved and Prohibited Plant Lists are part of Terravita’s Design Guidelines; long-established City protections and design principles underlie the Design Guidelines. Terravita’s standards protect our fragile desert, our desert views and sustain Terravita’s natural beauty. The Approved Plant List includes the permitted planting area (“zone”) for each plant. The _ive planting zones on Homeowner lots offer more choices in some zones. Those plants coded Native may be used in all _ive planting zones. Sensitive are those zones that abut natural desert areas. Most listed plant materials are low water use and have been chosen to blend with our desert; there is a wide variety to accomplish any design need. Plants on the Prohibited List may not be used anywhere on Homeowner lots. They are not acceptable due to aesthetics, excessive water use, mature height, excessive pollen production or their ability to dominate our desert. L IGHTING : Terravita enjoys sparkling starry skies. Excessive lighting obscures view of the night sky. Lighting should be low level and recessed to shield light source. Terravita landscape lighting provides indirect ambient light. Other lighting is to be directed downward, recessed or shielded to insure minimum light pollution, glare, light trespass and skyglow. As with all exterior modi_ication changes, all exterior lighting and plant materials require approval from the Modi_ications Committee. Click here for an application or visit the Association of_ice.