T RASH C OLLECTION Containers must be kept out of view except on actual collection day. The Trash/Recycle Can Placement and Enforcement resolution can be found on the Terravita website (TCA Tab/ Forms and Documents/TCA Adopted Policies & Resolutions.) It is summarized below: T RASH : Collection day is Tuesday and is the black bin. The black bin may not be placed out earlier than 5pm Monday evening and must be removed from the street no later than 10pm Tuesday night. R ECYCLE : Collection day is Thursday and is the pink bin. The pink bin may not be placed out earlier than 5pmWednesday evening and must be removed from the street no later than 10pm Thursday night. B ULK P ICK U P : The City of Scottsdale provides bulk trash pick up regularly. Pick up items can be placed out as early as noon, the Saturday before the week of bulk pick up. The Association sends email reminders before the week of pick up. For the schedule and regulations of items, please refer to the City of Scottsdale website. R ESDIENTIAL C ONTAINER R EPAIR : If your trash or recycle bin is in need of repair or replacement, contact the City of Scottsdale at 480-312-5600 or _ill out the request online. Go to the City of Scottsdale Solid Waste website and click the Request Container Maintenance link. P ET P OLICY Dogs must be kept on leashes and all fecal matter must be disposed of in trash cans. The Association provides Mutt Mitts for Homeowner’s convenience. Mutt Mitts stands are located throughout the community. Dogs must be kept from creating a nuisance that is a disturbance to neighbors.
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