G OVERNING D OCUMENTS You have chosen to live in one of the most beautiful communities in Scottsdale. In order to preserve the overall aesthetics and ambiance of Terravita, the developer and the Terravita Community Association, Inc. have adopted several documents that govern activities and property uses within the community. • Articles of Incorporation of Terravita Community Association, Inc. (“Articles”) • By-Laws of Terravita Community Association, Inc. (“By- Laws”) • Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Terravita (“CC&Rs”) • Terravita Community-Wide Standards, and • Terravita Landscape and ArchitecturalDesign Guidelines (“Design Guidelines”) The Homeowners in Terravita support strict compliance with these documents; many Homeowners chose to live in Terravita because of the restrictions and the quality of life they protect. This summary and Guide are no substitute for the complete documents. Copies of the complete documents are available on Terravita’s website. Any condition on your property that is contrary to the requirements of the Governing Documents is considered a violation. The general purpose of each document is discussed in this section of the Guide: The Articles incorporate the Association as a nonpro_it corporation under state law and set forth its general powers and its membership structure. The By-Laws contain the administrative procedures and rules of the operation and internal government of the Association.
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