
The CC&Rs contain the plan of development and ownership and specify rights and responsibilities of the Owners. All Owners acknowledge by acceptance of a deed the requirements of the Declaration (CC&Rs), Bylaws, and Rules of the Association. Some examples: The CC&Rs support protection of Natural Area Open Space (NAOS). There is no guarantee by either the Association or the Golf Club to maintain any view from impairment (CC&Rs Article 4.10 and 15.02). The Properties are subject to Design Guidelines and other Use Restrictions. Article XI of the CC&Rs requires that no exterior changes to structures, lots or their landscaping shall take place except in compliance with Article XI and the Design Guidelines and upon wri>en approval by the Association’s Modifications Commi>ee. Article V of the CC&Rs sets forth the general maintenance responsibilities of the Association and each Owner. The Community-Wide Standards document elaborates on maintenance obligations set forth in the Declaration at Article V and sets minimum standards for maintenance of property within Terravita. For example, these Standards require that Owners must, with Modi_ications Committee approval, replace plants that are removed or have died with approved plants; the Approved Plant List is a part of the Design Guidelines. The intent of the Design Guidelines is to preserve Terravita’s desert environment and architectural character. City of Scottsdale regulations and principles blend structures and landscaping into the natural desert setting; roof designs, colors, non-re_lective materials and lighting result in minimal visual impact. The Design Guidelines set forth standards and procedures for submission of all Plans. Written approvals are required for all exterior changes or replacements to structures, lots or landscaping. No work can begin until written approvals have been given by the Modi_ications Committee; all work must conform to approved plans.